Can You Bring A Tweezer On A Plane?

Air travel can undoubtedly be a stressful experience, especially when you are made to acknowledge the fact that disobeying regards or omissions introduced as directives by the authority of TSA could result in facing trouble with airport security. For this reason, many travelers wonder whether can you bring a tweezer on a plane.

Tweezers are a personal care item that is handy to carry during traveling and are also very likely to be found in your beauty kit. But do the Transportation Security Admissions consider these small sharp items dangerous, akin to other objects like razors, knives, and scissors? 

Travelers often have a lot of trouble determining whether can you bring a tweezer on a plane while preparing for a trip, so in this article, we bring you all a straightforward answer to your query. 

Can You Bring A Tweezer On A Plane?

While you pack your bags, ensuring that all necessary items are kept in place, are you too concerned about whether tweezers should be excluded or included in your personal care travel kit? Can you bring a tweezer on a plane?

Fortunately, trusty tweezers can be brought on board, which has been allowed by the TSA itself. On their official website, TSA states tweezers under the category of objects that passengers are permitted to carry and which pose no threat to security. Can You Bring Tweezers On A Plane?

Since no packing restrictions are imposed on carrying tweezers on board, you are free to decide if your tweezers will be placed in a checked or carry-on bag. 

Tweezers Use As A Potential Weapon 

Typically, TSA prohibits transporting or packing any sharp object, precisely in carry-on baggage, as some of these items could be used as potentially dangerous weapons.

Though tweezers are entirely safe, certain kinds of tweezer types might not be allowed, but this only happens when the tweezers have pointy and sharp ends. 

An example of such a tweezer is the one that has a sharp, pointed, and almost needle-like tip and is utilized for removing ingrown facial hair. Most likely, this tweezer will not be allowed in hand luggage at all, but depending on the final say of the security officer checking your luggage, it might pass through security in a checked bag. 

TSA Guidelines 

Like other objects and their packaging or transportation, tweezers have TSA-issued guidelines. Following these associated guidelines will assist you in quickly navigating through airport security without triggering any false security threat. 


  • When traveling by plane, tweezers can be packed in a checked or carry-on bag. 
  • Sheathing or wrapping tweezers is important to prevent injury while handling luggage at security checkpoints. 
  • Some tweezers with a specialized purpose might have certain restrictions; therefore, before carrying or packing them in bags, it is crucial to check with the TSA or the airline authorities beforehand. 


Through these guidelines, TSA is not demanding much from all incoming customers boarding a plane with a tweezer in a piece of luggage. Thus, try and abide by the guidelines for your safety and to have a comfortable, hassle-free trip. 

Tweezers In Luggage 

Despite TSA declaring that tweezers are permitted to be carried by passengers in their carry-on and checked bags, frequently, travelers still confuse the essential grooming tool’s placement in their luggage. 

This section details how placing a tweezer in your checked or carry-on bag is not a problem while suggesting ways to secure the otherwise pointed and sharp item safely. Hence, now you do not need to leave behind a trusty and worthy pair of your tweezers when beckoning an air trip. 

Tweezers In A Carry-on

If you are someone who prefers to keep their tweezers close and nearby them during a flight, pack away your tweezers in a carry-on bag. 

There are no such implemented conditions in regards to carrying tweezers in a carry-on, unlike it is the case for items like razors and scissors. Likewise, there is no limit to how many units or numbers of tweezers you wish to carry, so pack away as many tweezers as you desire. 

However, per the general tool’s rules of the TSA, if your tweezers have a size of 7 inches or smaller, then it is good to be carried in a carry-on. Whereas, even if the size of a tweezer exceeds 7 inches by a centimeter, it goes straight to be packed in your checked luggage. 

Ensuring safe travel for yourself and other travelers should be a top priority. While carrying tweezers, you must shield and safeguard their sharp edges. Do this by wrapping a bubble sheet or a sheath around the tweezers to avoid accidental cuts or pricks for luggage handlers and TSA officers. 

Tweezers In A Checked Bag 

With no limits on the number of tweezers in your checked luggage, include the number you like, but only on the condition that each unit is packed and secured correctly and in the way TSA mandates. 

Wrapping or covering tweezers in a sheath, cloth piece, or other protective materials can save you a lot of chaos at the security terminal, and even if you open the bag in haste, rest assured, tweezers will not be cutting you. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) 

Can you bring tweezers on an airplane?

Yes, tweezers can be brought along on an airplane in your luggage. 

Do tweezers pass airport security?

Tweezers pass airport security without triggering security alarms; still, pack your tweezers appropriately. 

Can you bring sharp tweezers in a carry-on?

No sharp tweezers cannot be packed in a carry-on during the flight; they can be utilized as a weapon to harm or injure other passengers. 

Can you bring tweezers and nail scissors on a plane?

Objects like tweezers and nail scissors can be wrapped and secured in protective material sheets on a plane. 


We have provided you with the utmost relevant detail regarding whether can you bring a tweezer on a plane. 

While tweezers are allowed on a plane, you must always ensure they are packaged adequately, and per the standard the TSA has outlined for all passengers to keep you away from all uncalled problems at a security terminal. 

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