Why Seeds Are Not Allowed In Flight?

Seeds are an essential part of the propagation procedure for plants, and though it is uncommon for most people to travel with seeds, some gardeners may think carrying seeds with them to new destinations is crucial. But why seeds are not allowed in flight?

Rules surrounding the carrying of seeds can be confusing because it is not the TSA authorities dictating prohibition or permission for travelers, instead is the destination you choose to fly decide whether you will be or not be able to travel with seeds. 

Subsequently, rules regarding why seeds are not allowed in flight also vary per the flight you are undertaking: domestic flights may enable all types of seeds, whereas international flights may only permit a few. So, let’s unfold why seeds are not allowed in flight. 

Why Seeds Are Not Allowed In Flight?

Different countries impose different regulations on banning certain seeds for air travel because these seeds are not accustomed to the country’s environment, nor are they native; hence, carrying these seeds into the country could cause several risks. Why Seeds Are Not Allowed In Flight

Threat Of Invasive Species:

The environmental threat is the most prominent reason seeds are not allowed in flight. If items such as seeds are not prohibited, they could end up being invasive to the native ecosystem of other animals and plants already growing and thriving in that country. 

When unacclimated seeds to a country’s environment are brought in anyway and planted, there is a chance for them to result in a health outbreak. Being non-native and unknown species, they threaten the area’s delicate ecosystem nurturing vectors for certain illnesses and diseases and risking the surrounding living things. 

This happens as other animals and plants, unlike native diseases, are not immune to the diseases the invasive species bears, negatively affecting the ecosystem and damaging the population.  

An example is the covid-19 pandemic which scientists have claimed to spread via a bat and to a human. The pandemic effectively demonstrates how living things, such as plants that originate from seeds, can pose a drastic risk to the health of humans. 

Likewise, Japanese knotweed seeds are also banned in many countries due to their highly invasive nature to the environment. 

Additionally, economic risks also materialize from an environmental or a health outbreak, as was witnessed in the recent outbreak, causing a shortage of food if and only if banned seeds brought in illegally grow and take over other plants that are part of our nutrition. 

Diseases And Pests:

Seeds that passengers might wish to travel with on a flight are always inspected beforehand by the security of the airport, primarily TSA authorities. They check for any present diseases and pests as contaminants are likely to exist, which can later alter the natural ecosystem by harming crops. 

Further prevention of the spread of diseases and pests through seeds is monitored by the Agricultural Department, which devises strict rules and regulations concerning the transportation of seeds from one place to another. 

Citrus fruit seeds are one example of seeds that permit disease by carrying Asian citrus psyllid, capable of transmitting a bacterial illness and killing citrus trees. Another example is tomato plant seeds, which bring the yellow leaf curl virus that significantly damages tomato crops. 

Threat To Native Agricultural Industry: 

Some seeds are banned due to their invasive nature, while the remaining are not allowed as they could be potential modes of spreading diseases and pests. However, a small proportion of seeds are used as a subject and intended for commercial use. 

Despite being analyzed and ensured for diseases and pests, they still are unwelcome in certain regions worldwide, even if they do not harm or are harmful. Countries following this ideology often reason their regulations by saying that importing seeds to their country is prohibited to protect their domestic agricultural industries. 

Fly With Seeds Safely In A Flight:

Through our stated reasons in the preceding section, one thing is for sure all of the reasons why seeds are not allowed on a flight is a declaration announced by destination countries. 

Supposedly, if your travel destination allows for a few species of seeds, how can an individual fly with seeds safely on a flight? 

Sealed Container:

Beginning with packaging seeds in a flight, you must always pack seeds in a sealable and sturdy container. Try finding a small plastic, transparent container with a tight-fitting air-resistant lid; if not, use the conventional and resealable ziplock bag, which will work well.  


After choosing the appropriate kind of container, correctly and clearly label the container with accurate, relevant information regarding seeds, such as their specific specie kind and harvest date, so they can be adequately identified and handled appropriately during transit. 

Utilizing Material For Cushioning:

During handling of the checked luggage, there is a likely chance for your delicate seeds to get easily damaged. Therefore, for prevention, add cushioning layer around the container through bubble wrap or tissue paper so the seeds do not shift or get damaged during transit. 

Packing In Carry-on:

Packing seeds in a carry-on bag is simply an elaboration of portraying what happens to the seeds in checked luggage and during transit. Thus, we recommend you pack seeds in your carry-on bag whereby you can keep an eye and ensure that the seeds do not get lost during handling. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Can you take seeds on a plane?

The answer will be determined depending on your travel destination, but generally, you cannot take seeds already native to the country.

Why are seeds not allowed?

Diseases, pests, invasive species, and threats to the native agricultural industry are why seeds are not allowed in a plane. 

Can you travel with seeds within a country?

Yes, you can travel with seeds in a country.

Is packing seeds in checked luggage risky?

Packaging seeds in checked luggage is not precisely risky, but a carry-on bag is a much more ideal storage place for seeds. 


In this article, we have informed you of all the possible reasons which may hinder you from carrying seeds on a plane and yield an outcome whereby you would have to wonder- why seeds are not allowed in flight?

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