Can You Take Homemade Food Through Airport Security?

Currently, one of the main issues travelers face is whether can you take homemade food through airport security. These days, it is getting difficult to keep track of and figure out the related regulations for air travel because the security agents at TSA-administered checkpoints are becoming stricter than ever. 

No one should eat overpriced or stale food when flying; they must treat themselves to the convenience of bringing homemade food in the luggage. Food from home is a cheap option and a great way to keep the hunger pangs waiting at bay during in-flight meals. 

However, you must be aware of the dictated standard guidelines regarding whether can you take homemade food through airport security because if not, then you might have to throw away entire jam jars or have them confiscated. 

Can You Take Homemade Food Through Airport Security?

The short answer to Can you take homemade food through airport security is YES, you are allowed. 

It is acceptable to bring homemade food if all airline standards are met. Compared to European flights, long-haul flights can be stricter. Still, most airlines allow passengers to take homemade food without a problem. 

Solid food items that do not constitute gels or liquids can be transported in checked or hand luggage, but any liquid homemade food that exceeds 3.4 ounces is prohibited in carry-ons. Can You Take Homemade Food Through Airport Security?

Remember, personnel at airport security will require you to have your food items screened in a tray separate from the baggage to have a closer inspection. Not to mention, if the personnel detect any liquid pooling at the container’s bottom, they will ask you to throw the food item out of the luggage. 

Supposedly, you are in a rush and are already late for boarding your flight. In that case, the additional screening of homemade food at the terminal will result in you spending more time at the checkpoint as several minutes for inspection are now added. 

With screening, you should also be prepared to answer all the questions the agent will ask you about the homemade food item you have packed to take on board. Beware beforehand because the entire procedure can sometimes result in delays and even missing flights. 

Packing Homemade Food:

Undoubtedly, homemade food accompanying you on a flight is a very appealing idea. Still, if not packaged and stored appropriately, a disastrous situation at the airport security awaits you. 

Though bringing homemade food aboard should be easy, some food choices are tricky. Packing snacks like cereals, crackers, bread, and candies usually will pass through airport security with no problem. 

However, when it comes to self-prepared homemade food, you ought to be careful with how you pack and the amount of liquid the food item contains. Soup or saucy dishes are not allowed, so you do not have the option to bring your special spaghetti bolognese on the plane. 

On the other hand, food items like sandwiches are not problematic. Still, you must be cautious with the condiments you add and the container you store. Avoid bringing strong-scented foods because you do not want your fellow passengers complaining about the food’s stench mid-flight. 

Likewise, it is best to pack homemade food in clear, leak-proof, air-tight, and resealable containers to easily and quickly pass through security and, if needed, wrap around extra plastic. 

Spreadable And Liquid Eatables: 

Before you even contemplate packing a liquid, spreadable, or gel-like food item, you must measure, measure, and measure! 

Pouring or packing food in appropriately sized containers or 3.4 ounces does not guarantee you not running into trouble with airport security. This is because even containers sized 3.4oz are subjected to limitations whereby every passenger can only carry a single plastic, clear quart-bag for liquids. 

Do not go crazy packing liquid foods because you can only roughly fit nine containers in a single quart-sized bag. Rather, purchase containers that are TSA-approved, prioritize, and mark your needs.

Preferred Homemade Food Items By TSA: 

Even though some airlines may offer food better than others, there is no reason for you to rely on the thought of having an onboard tasty meal. The safest alternative here is to pack your food. 

Planning and packing food for a flight is easy if you are aware of the rules, and in such situations, the smartest thing to do is to pack a little more just in case the flight is entirely canceled or delayed.

Despite the stringent regulations for bringing food on a plane, TSA does encourage passengers to carry homemade food and has also recommended some preferred homemade food choices. 

  1. Salads that are grain-based, especially those that have a healthy, leafy, green filling. Salad dressing can be carried in a 100ml liquid container. Even better is to mix salad with sauce and preserve its freshness right before passing airport security.
  2. Wraps or sandwiches: Domestic US continental passengers can add whatever meat or veggies they want and like to have in their meal. 
  3. Homemade protein and granola bars for energy. 
  4. Charcuterie’s of hard cheese. 
  5. Crackers with hard cheese. 
  6. Fresh or dried fruits (when flying domestically within the USA) 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS):

Can you take homemade food through airport security?

Homemade food is allowed to be taken through airport security.

What food item does airport security allow?

Non-liquid items, fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood can pass through airport security. 

Can I bring homemade cookies on a plane?

Yes, you can take homemade cookies on a plane.

Can you take pizza through airport security?

Pizza is permitted to be taken on board through airport security and is recommended to be packed in checked bags so as not to obstruct hand luggage’s x-rays. 


Now that you know the rules and the procedure for can you take homemade food through airport security, you should not encounter any issues before boarding.

As long as you keep liquid and solid food items separate and pack them per their regulations, you will be good to go on the plane with homemade food.

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