Can You Bring Hand Sanitizer On A Plane?

Agreeably, the world is full of germs, and you will encounter them almost anywhere and everywhere. However, hand sanitizer can be valuable and useful, specifically when traveling. So, can you bring hand sanitizer on a plane?

Ever since the pandemic, everyone has grown more conscious of their health. Whether traveling on a local bus or prestigious and accommodating airlines, people carry hand sanitizers to keep themselves guarded against infections or germs. 

But what do the latest rules by Transportation Security Administration dictate for carrying hand sanitizers on a plane? Can you bring hand sanitizer on a plane, and are there any limits to the quantity you might have to abide by is something we will be scrutinizing in our following discussion. 

Can You Bring Hand Sanitizer On A Plane?

TSA allows incoming passengers to bring hand sanitizers tagged on their carry-on bags or packed in their checked luggage. Rules regarding hand sanitizer transportation on a plane have been in place since 2006, when the TSA last adjusted regulations and bands for flying with gels and liquids. 

Until now, more or less, starting from the 2000’s rules have remained the same, with passengers being able to carry 3.4 ounces or 100ml of a hand sanitizer liquid on a plane with them. Recently, the quantity of hand sanitizer that can be packaged has significantly increased, and we will be delving into this later. Can You Bring Hand Sanitizer On A Plane

Liquid Rule For Hand Sanitizer 

It does not matter if it is the post or pre-pandemic world; hand sanitizers have always been allowed in luggage. The only difference is the restrictions on quantity imposed in the pre-pandemic covid 19 era. 

TSA has now implemented and revised its regulations for hand sanitizer under their 3-1-1 rule, whereby one must adhere to following the limits. As a refreshing reminder for all those who might have forgotten about the details of the 3-1-1 rule, it concerns all liquids, aerosols, and gels, including items like toothpaste, lotions, hand sanitizers, and disinfectants. 

The 3-1-1 rule must only be considered when and if you are packing your hand sanitizer in a carry-on bag. For checked luggage, no rules exist, and your only responsibility for packing a hand sanitizer is to ensure that it is contained in an airtight, sealed container to prevent the hazard of leaking. 

Per the rule, any liquid must be poured into or have an original individual packing of a container with a maximum liquid carrying capacity of 3.4 ounces or 100ml at a maximum. Subsequently, these containers should be kept in a quart-one-sized, resealable, single bag. 

Knowing this rule, you should normally be only allowed to carry a hand sanitizer bottle that is small enough to fit in a quart bag easily, and for this, they would have to be smaller or 4.3 ounces liquid containers. 

Permitted Hand Sanitizer Quantity

Another important consideration a traveler packing for their flight should make is the permitted quantity of hand sanitizer in their luggage. 

According to the TSA rules during the pandemic,  the authorities took measures to promote safety and health for all travelers and staff on board. For this, they allowed and aided every person aboard by quadrupling the permitted hand sanitizer quantity in the luggage. 

During the rise of the coronavirus, TSA urged passengers to fight and resist the virus by transforming the allowed capacity of hand sanitizer.

Carry-On Luggage 

It was announced in March 2020 for the allowed capacity to be maximized up to 12 ounces for hand sanitizers, but now it has been revised back to 3.04 ounces. 

Back then, all containers that you carried of hand sanitizers reaching the limit of 12 ounces were to be checked thoroughly during the security checkpoints, and every bottle had to be separately screened.

This increase in the permitted hand sanitizer quantity limit added an additional period for passengers to endure at a checkpoint, so they packed accordingly. Suppose you carried a single bottle of 12 ounces of hand sanitizer instead of three or four smaller containers. The large container was then also subjected to a specific screening performed by a TSA agent. 

Therefore, since screening was comprehensive and detailed through every step of the security terminal, travelers double or triple-checked the size and quantity of the liquids they carried. This ensured that the capacity never increased but remained decreased from the 12 ounces allowed. 

Though the liquid amount for carrying hand sanitizer has been modified and changed back to 3.04 ounces, you should not mistake it for a demonstration of lenient checking from the TSA authorities. 

Checked Luggage 

The checked luggage capacity has remained the same compared to carry-on baggage and hand sanitizer permitted quantity. 

In the checked luggage, you can bring an even amplified quantity of hand sanitizer to carry to your final destination. Every traveler can pack at least 70 ounces of hand sanitizer in their checked luggage, where the quantity should be divided into several containers. 

A wise step in this situation is to pack individual containers of hand sanitizers that are 18 ounces, as this is the preferred amount by TSA, and keep pouring 18 ounces of hand sanitizers into bottles until you have reached the standard 70 ounces. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Does TSA allow hand sanitizer on a plane?

TSA permits everyone to take hand sanitizers on a plane. 

Can you bring hand sanitizer on a plane in Canada?

Yes, you can bring hand sanitizers when traveling to Canada.

Is the capacity for sanitizers in hand luggage still 12 ounces?

No, it is now 3.04 ounces or 100ml. 

What is the capacity for hand sanitizers in checked bags?

The capacity is 70 ounces.  


Now that we have informed you of the latest TSA rules for hand sanitizers on a plane, you only have to familiarize yourself with the numbers we have stated. Knowing these numbers will keep you out of trouble with the airport authorities and guarantee you a healthy, smooth, and safe trip.

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